Vidwan-ID : 365568

Ms Anuradha Dinesha

RV College of Architecture, Bangalore



Prof. Anuradha Dinesha received an undergraduate degree in Architecture – B.Arch. from U.V.C.E., Bengaluru and a postgraduate degree in Design – M.Des., Specialization in Product Design from IDC, IITB, Powai, Mumbai. Anuradha has been a recipient of gold medal at B. Arch level. She has been part of R V College of Architecture since September 2002. Prior to this, Anuradha was a faculty at Sristhi Institute of Art, Design and Technology, Yelahanka New Town, Bengaluru. Before joining the academic p

Personal Information

Ms Anuradha Dinesha

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  • Professor

    Department of Architecture

    RV College of Architecture, Bangalore